What happens when you ask Chat GPT to write about 'How A.I won't take over the ad industry' in the style of and Eminem track?  Amazingly it makes some valid points, includes a bridge and all in 7 seconds. All together now! 

(Verse 1)

When AI steps into the creative game,

Cultural references, they ain’t the same,

In advertising, they hold a crucial role,

Connecting with audiences heart and soul.


But AI lacks the human touch, It’s true,

Anthropological insights, it can’t accrue,

My rhymes run deep, understanding the show,

Creativity’s roots in culture, let it flow.

(Verse 2)

Anthropology sheds light, can’t deny,

Creativity’s more than patterns in the sky,

It’s social interactions, historical depth,

Human experiences, what takes each step.


Collaborative with AI, that’s the new way,

Efficiency, possibilities, they’ll convey,

But remember, my friend, its the human mind,

That sparks conversations, leaves all behind.


But AI lacks the human touch, It’s true,

Anthropological insights, it can’t accrue,

My rhymes run deep, understanding the show,

Creativity’s roots in culture, let it flow.

(Verse 3)

AI analyses data, that’s its power,

But cultural resonance it can’t devour,

My creativity’s alive, it breaks the mould,

Challenging norms, stories yet untold.


So embrace AI, but never forget,

The cultural references we’ll never let,

In the world of advertising, we’ll persist,

Creativity’s fire, forever exist.